Livin' in the shadow , suddenly, facing the light!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well, well, bloggers .. 

What a day today ! 

I've had a BLAST tonight.. Our national team is going to be in the finals fe '7alegi against oman.. and the most beautiful thing that had happened is the DJ party ! It's the best party ever ...! 

Lovely Girls and very loud .. Luv 'em so much , and we've decided to wear a sport t-shirt for any team you like and jeans. We were so cute and colorful . 

Well, I guess sometimes when you could face the opposite side or the other side of the coin and see what's beneath , you'll get surprised either for good or bad .. ! 

I see the very lightly and delightful side of this coin that had been untouched for so long and Enough I think .. 

These worlds that don't believe that everything in our life has two faces , What The hell are you thinking?! I mean, bad or good . sad or happy . night and day ... etc . But human beings can't of course have two faces or else they're going to lack of trusting others ! 

Have ever guys think that you just notice that your life is walking in other ways than what it should walk in that makes you think that you have to pause your life tape and repeat it and erase the things that you shouldn't done or be in places you should've be or to do things that you've missed and you didn't do them because of some savages that always stereotyping you and judge in a very low and cheap way and just because they were in your life and they think they're better in everything than you are , makes you -when you were very little and innocent kid around 6 or 7 - lack of your confidence ?! 

They're pathetic , which makes you pathetic as well , I'm being little spinning image of the way they were judging me and now they're asking why ? and of course without me noticing with time passes that they were erasing my character and replace it with something imaginary from their imagination ...! 

But, I think It's never too late .. You could pause and re-build yourself again and make a good entrance to make the savages feels a little Jealous or amazed 

Random Stuff !!

Friday, January 2, 2009

"The water is burning me while it's healing everybody else  " ...*sigh* 

totally in my dying-to-watch-soon list Or a one-time-watchable movie 

2-17 again .. really wish I could turn back time and be 17 again to fix, adjust, catch up with a lotta things I've missed ..!! 

5-They came from upstairs ...I'm listing it just for my lil sisters , they totally in love with ashley tisdale 

8-The princess and the frog ... Disney ! 

10-He's just not that into you .. Based on best selling book!!! 

11-possession ... although , I hate sarah Michael giller , but this one seems interesting 

12- Unborn... I hate it just by a lil glimpse... I don't know about you ! 

These are what I found so far.. ! and enjoy it , while you're sipping your coffee or whatever ! 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! 

Nouvelle année heureuse !---> French for "Happy New Year"

Nuovo anno felice!---> Italian for "Happy New Year"

¡Nuevo año feliz!---> Spanish for "Happy New Year"

Reaallly !! just having blast and thrilled of the idea or the thought of new year's days, doesn't count as a fair fluttery..! I mean " Yeah, nice but, so what ?!" my mother said . " What the ...!?" I said furiously enough of so-what-kind-of answers ... People It's not like everyday we're having a new year .. It's so special we need to feel the rhythm of promising achievements! . Topping them all, we're alive , just think of this for a moment! .. We've forgot how to feel the words " Happy", " New" , "Year" ... We've reached the edge !

Anyway, today the 1st day of this year I've just finished my novel"Love the one you're with, by Emily Giffin" that I kept reading for a month more or less. I know that was more then enough time for me to read just ONE novel, But I had exams blah blah blah .. ! and I'm heading right over to my next which is "Forgotten Dreams by Katie Flynn" . The thing that captured my senses was the word dream, I've always drift away by this word. I hope that I made the righteous choice, I mean it's always about choices and decisions !

" Love the one you're with" was amazing , sad, and just perfect ..! love everything about it , the characters , the story-line , the events , just everything . It's So perfect and breathtaking. I'm still effected by the story ,it ended the way it should and the way I want but, still.. She just proved that making choices is the hardest thing to make, and it's actually what our life is all about ! with this strong effectiveness , I can't start a new one, but I'll try hard to begin with the new novel..

I wish you all happiness, a year full of success and achievements .. !

It was just a reverie But, it worked!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today was my biggest and hardest day.. till now of course ! *hehe* 

It was my presentation day and I've never stand in front of an audience-like before or let me be accurate It was long time ago.. I couldn't remember the feeling I was startled when she chose me to be put with the second group .. I just nodded and said " okay I guess ", if it's something I should do , then I have to now or later on .. So I was so worried two weeks ago till last sunday.. 

One of my friends gave a book named " The Secret" It's a well-known book and I heard a lot of good reviews 'bout it.. I just read it and I fall in LOVE with this book , seriously it's AMAZING .. 

I did best to do what was written and .....guess what?!  It WORKED ! 

I'm so lucky by having it before the day of my presentation , to tell you the truth the OLD me would never stand in front of people without shaking or whatever.. Thanx 7bebty mn jid wow entee..

Anyway, I'm just happy right now and Having a high spirit and don't want any disturbing.. 

I just want to thank all of my friends and colleagues  LUV ya all ... really I appreciate your cooperation with me and I want to present a gift for you.. 

This is the song am addicted to meanwhile.. 
and for real this song and those lyrics, you deserve 'em all .. 

Thank you ! 


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I  feel..umm, I'm so frightening  , i feel I'm so lonley and lost..Don't know *sigh* 

Sometimes I feel that everything around is getting better, yet, they're worse than ever ... a feeling maybe or a reality oh GOSH I can't tell anyomre!!! 

God help my Disturbed mind .. 

I'm in DISTURBIA for real .. 

I'm so scared in getting any further step of this creepy world... ! 

Is it alright to feel that way once in awhile ?

This is a song by rihanna described it all named " Disturbia" 

Just Woow those lyrics are So TRUE ..! 

and It's a lil scary , I know , But, so thrilling 

They refuse just to say " NO"..!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is a "NO" word mean to them " men" ?! Is it a word that means manhood and its perfection for some of them? or Is it a word that means domination , authority and self-imposing?..
In my opinion , I think the ones from men who do these things ,originally, don't think at all..I mean do I say No just because I didn't use to take it up before or didn't experienced it ?
If one of 'em-generality in my country- just try to THINK before refusing that they absolutely think that is a perfection of their manhood thing!
The words "
YES" and " NO " are totally different. But, a few of us who see that a word" yes" is much easier that saying"no"
But, Come to think of it.. a "Yes" means largess , agreement and pleasure. In the other hand, word " No" means total refusing and missing a LOT of activates of life and its experiences ..Well, for me both words are HARD to take and never ever easy to say..
Both words are variant and with them I can decide .. Taking decisions is never facile at all.But, we have to return to Thinking thing that a lot of us and speaking of men specially who are the generality governing that see the negatives before the positives and generalize it for everyone and say "No" just to say "NO" ..and destroy a lot of dreams , ambition , potential energy existed in a plenty of us GIRLS..
There is a going and real scene that was sought by one of my relatives-closed one- and told me about it .. and here a lot of big changes that he thought , they were right, and it turned out to be wrong ..!
He is an employee in Aramco which is well-known by its freedom and the generality employees are men , but recently a lot women entered this force .. So what is the opinion of our fathers, brothers, uncles and families from the category of men of what is happing in our country that seemed odd and unusual ?!
Recently my relative have seen 3 saudi girls who were accepted as employees in the company .. The first one was veiling and -of course- wearing Abaya without wearing any heavy makeup, the second one was alike, and the third one was covring all of here body -wearing the abaya that put in her head-.
Onetime, they were having a presentation and all the girls and other employees were attending .. the one who didn't cover her face was so quiet and shy , and only talk about work nothing else.. the other one who was totally covered was so bold , and talk about her personal life without any timidity and she was so close in her seat with the man near to her and letting her trousers revealed ..
All the men were saying a bad things about the one who didn't cover her face and very impressive with the one that totally covered who also refuse to let her own portrait to be revealed to men"Wow what a brave and commitment girl" every saudi men said ..
But, by time passing all saudi men especially my relative have changed their minds about this girl and think that the girl who didn't cover her face has a very grand ethics .. and the other has none..
What do you think of these men that differ girls with high manners by their style of wearing Abaya ..?men Who say " No" just to appease their mastery's instinct in them
Our saudi men really need an awakening from their melancholy ideas and learn how to think before any action ...

P.S.: That doesn't mean that the girls who totally covered aren't good and they all don't have manners and I didn't think that all men are alike...

My point of view is : whether she is just wearing 7egab or totally covered, their ethics are above everything..
So what do you think?

This a video for saudi girls in aramco.. a big
YES for ya all , GO for it ..

Love or Property ..?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Have you ever ask yourself what would you prefer when you're being in love with someone who is less than your social life level, who's poor or not as your rich level.. who-as he imagined- can makes you happy with his love but, not with money..!
a Scene in the movie " Becoming Jane " was the question that captured our senses-me and the girls-.

For the ones who didn't see the movie:
the scene was between Jane and her lover , he was very poor and he was responsible of his family , he has an uncle who is rich but, he didn't help him. However, he made his mind to watch over his family , but, unfortunately he loved "jane" who was from a well off family -way better than him- , so once they agreed in escaping. but, at that time she wasn't acknowledged with his situation by being the only one in his family who can take care of them. So she was hesitating and then she made her mind in renouncing her love and living with memories only ... !
What do you think of her reaction ? Do you prefer -when you're in her situation- leaving your love or living with this poor and responsible lover?
Tough Question I know .. but tell me your opinion, please !
In my point of view , she deserve to take a bow because of her brave step. Love will wither by the time passing and she will live in a place she's not welcomed at, he can't make her happy whatever he tries to do, and she will never stand being in a situation she wasn't in before and she's not forced to. The big reason for making me in her side, that I know in the end he'll hate her because she'll be a burden in his shoulder. we can't blame him Because he won't bear the stress of life and it's not certain that his situation will be better..!
Do you agree or disagree? Very Excited to read yours..

Arrivederci per ora..( Bye For Now..) !