They refuse just to say " NO"..!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is a "NO" word mean to them " men" ?! Is it a word that means manhood and its perfection for some of them? or Is it a word that means domination , authority and self-imposing?..
In my opinion , I think the ones from men who do these things ,originally, don't think at all..I mean do I say No just because I didn't use to take it up before or didn't experienced it ?
If one of 'em-generality in my country- just try to THINK before refusing that they absolutely think that is a perfection of their manhood thing!
The words "
YES" and " NO " are totally different. But, a few of us who see that a word" yes" is much easier that saying"no"
But, Come to think of it.. a "Yes" means largess , agreement and pleasure. In the other hand, word " No" means total refusing and missing a LOT of activates of life and its experiences ..Well, for me both words are HARD to take and never ever easy to say..
Both words are variant and with them I can decide .. Taking decisions is never facile at all.But, we have to return to Thinking thing that a lot of us and speaking of men specially who are the generality governing that see the negatives before the positives and generalize it for everyone and say "No" just to say "NO" ..and destroy a lot of dreams , ambition , potential energy existed in a plenty of us GIRLS..
There is a going and real scene that was sought by one of my relatives-closed one- and told me about it .. and here a lot of big changes that he thought , they were right, and it turned out to be wrong ..!
He is an employee in Aramco which is well-known by its freedom and the generality employees are men , but recently a lot women entered this force .. So what is the opinion of our fathers, brothers, uncles and families from the category of men of what is happing in our country that seemed odd and unusual ?!
Recently my relative have seen 3 saudi girls who were accepted as employees in the company .. The first one was veiling and -of course- wearing Abaya without wearing any heavy makeup, the second one was alike, and the third one was covring all of here body -wearing the abaya that put in her head-.
Onetime, they were having a presentation and all the girls and other employees were attending .. the one who didn't cover her face was so quiet and shy , and only talk about work nothing else.. the other one who was totally covered was so bold , and talk about her personal life without any timidity and she was so close in her seat with the man near to her and letting her trousers revealed ..
All the men were saying a bad things about the one who didn't cover her face and very impressive with the one that totally covered who also refuse to let her own portrait to be revealed to men"Wow what a brave and commitment girl" every saudi men said ..
But, by time passing all saudi men especially my relative have changed their minds about this girl and think that the girl who didn't cover her face has a very grand ethics .. and the other has none..
What do you think of these men that differ girls with high manners by their style of wearing Abaya ..?men Who say " No" just to appease their mastery's instinct in them
Our saudi men really need an awakening from their melancholy ideas and learn how to think before any action ...

P.S.: That doesn't mean that the girls who totally covered aren't good and they all don't have manners and I didn't think that all men are alike...

My point of view is : whether she is just wearing 7egab or totally covered, their ethics are above everything..
So what do you think?

This a video for saudi girls in aramco.. a big
YES for ya all , GO for it ..


rubz said...

min jid WOW
allah ywfig kl bnt 6l3t o t3rr*9t l2y klam min 2y noo3 o yrf3 roosna feehum ya rbbb
gooooooolooo ameeeeeeeeeen??

Miss Nana said...

yeah , that's really right . i'm completly with you with every word you said , and I belive that " don't judge anyone from the look " cauz yeah , the ethics are above everything !
WOW go girl do what you beleive is right do what you want , and allah yewfeg all the girls , I SUPPORT THEM :D

Silent Night said...


Thanx hun for your reply, and mn jid allah ywafighom..

well, thanx for being with me, those days you can't find someone who can match your thinking and persuade easily, they should open their eyes and mind to see the realty , it's not just about MEN , there are capable WOMEN for sure..